
Digital Core (NZ) Limited

Single Page Apps & Progressive Web Apps

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Technology blog

Commentaries and observations on programming and engineering.

Login dev guides

JAMstack tutorials that focus on building a Login system.

Technology blog

Commentaries and observations on programming and engineering.


Digital Core (NZ) Limited is a home-based media development company based in South Auckland, New Zealand.

The Lord of the Rings was filmed in this country.

New Zealand has two national anthems.


On Wednesday the 1st of April 2020, Digital Cinematic (NZ) Limited (formally Photo Events (NZ) Limited) changed it's name to Digital Core (NZ) Limited. We kept the company logo during our latest identity crisis.


Brian King is the managing director of Digital Core (NZ) Limited. Brian is also the company's sole employee. One day, Brian hopes to draw a salary from all his efforts.


Brian is currently documenting his adventures with the FAGANN stack, a technical implementation of JAMstack, which he plans to complete by the end July 2020.


Brian enjoys video production and music production. He especially loves science fiction and fantasy novels, movies, and tv shows. He is somewhat 'Meh' on software development but totally adores system operations. Weird, right?


Send Brian an email to show you care. Don't send spam, he doesn't like it:
